Download our loyalty app and get points every time you visit!
Loyalty pays
Earn 1 point for every dollar you spend. For every 100 points we give you a $5 reward. And it doesn't stop there. Keep building your points to score even more rewards.

New Joe: 0-299 points
- $8 reward just for signing up!
- Receive $5 reward for every 100 points earned.
- Access to local offers.
- Receive a gift from Joe just before your birthday.

Casual Joe: 300-599 points
- All the New Joe rewards, plus:
- $15 reward for reaching Casual Joe status.

Regular Joe: 600-999 points
- All the Casual Joe rewards, plus:
- $30 reward for reaching Regular Joe status
- Free Regular Joe cap for reaching Regular Joe status.

Pro Joe: 999+ points
- All the Regular Joe rewards, plus:
- $50 reward for reaching Pro Joe status
- Free Pro Joe cap when you hit 15,000 points.

How it
Sign up to Regular Joe by downloading the app or clicking the link below.
Scan your receipt to grab points. $1 = 1 point, earn 100 points and get rewarded 5 Joe’s Dollars.
You can spend your Joe’s Dollars on anything you want. Simply redeem your reward or Joe’s Dollars and present the QR code to the cashier.
The more you earn, the more we reward you. Unlock exclusive rewards as your points balance increases.